Publication: Research in global health emergencies


The Nuffield Council on Biotechs has launched a new report on Research in Global Health Emergencies. The Director of CERAH, Karl Blanchet was a co-author of the report.

The aim of the report is to identify ways in which research can be undertaken ethically during emergencies, in order to promote the contribution that ethically-conducted research can make to improving current and future emergency preparedness and response.

The report outlines 24 recommendations to ‘duty bearers’ such as research funders, research organisations, governments, and researchers. These are summarised in the call for action. The suggested changes that would align policies and practices more closely to three core values of fairness, equal respect, and helping reducing suffering. The report presents these values in the form of an ‘ethical compass’ to guide the conduct of the very wide range of people involved in research in global health emergencies.

Full report:

Press release: