From 29 November to 3 December 2021, the Analysis and Evidence team at our partner the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), will host the first-ever Analysis and Evidence Week – Data, data, data…but then what?
The online event aims at bringing together humanitarian actors, the private sector, academia and beyond to discuss opportunities and challenges of data policies, methodologies and usage, while ensuring the analytical work is actionable and practices remain people-centred.
The event consists of 60+ sessions, delivered by multiple organizations and institutions. Topics of the sessions include multi-disciplinary analysis, data protection, climate risks, cash and markets,
digitalization and community engagement, monitoring and evaluation, accountability, new technologies. Participants have the chance to register for individual sessions, based on their interests and expertise.
On Monday, 29 November at 10.30 am, our Researcher, Dr Audrey Mahieu, together with Dr Sayel Jalal and Dr Samim Muneer, will present preliminary findings of the Researching the Impact of
Attacks on Healthcare (RIAH) project. Data were collected in Afghanistan in July-August 2021. Preliminary findings will include the different types of attacks on healthcare, and their impact on healthcare workers’ personal life, mental health and medical practices, as well as their consequences on the access to, availability, utilisation and delivery of health services. The session will further discuss how data can be utilized for advocacy in support and protection measures for healthcare workers in armed conflict and develop targeted mitigation strategies.
On Friday, 3 December at 13.30, our Visiting Fellow, Dr Ning Wang will give a presentation on the Framework for the Ethical Assessment of Humanitarian Drones. Today, there is an increasing trend of drone use in humanitarian action for postdisaster relief missions, and for long-term development programmes. These initiatives demonstrate the capacity of drones to facilitate aid supply operations and make emergency responses more efficient. Contrary to the newsworthy reputation of military use, drones are now being portrayed as “life-saving technology for humanitarians to build legitimacy”. The FEAHD provided an excellent example of how to turn empirical and theoretical research findings of a scholarly nature into practical guidance tools to support ethical deliberation in practice.

Download the full Agenda and registration details here.