Davide Rodogno is Professor of International History at IHEID. He is also Director of the Executive Certificate “Advocacy in international affairs”, and Faculty Associate of the Centre on conflict, development and peacebuilding. He holds a PhD, Graduate Institute of International Studies and University of Geneva.
Prof Rodogno was a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics (2002-2004), Foreign Associate Researcher at the Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent in Paris (2004-2005), Academic Fellow – Research Council United Kingdom Academic Fellow – at the School of History, University of St Andrews (2005-2010), and SNSF – Research Professor (2008-2011). Associate professor (2011-2014) and full professor since 2014 at the Graduate Institute, he serves as head of the International History Department (2014-2017). His doctoral thesis was published in Italian in 2003 and in English as Fascism’s European Empire (Cambridge University Press, 2006). Rodogno was grantee of the Rockefeller Archives Centre in 2011, he was grantee of the SNSF ‘Sinergia’ programme on a project entitled Patterns of Transnational Regulations.
He researches the history of philanthropic foundations, and international public health since the nineteenth century. In 2011 Rodogno published Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire (1815-1914), the Birth of a Concept and International Practice (Princeton University Press). During the summer of 2012 the Kofi Annan Foundation mandated Rodogno to write a report documenting the experience of the United Nations and League of Arab States Joint Special Envoy for Syria. More recently, Rodogno co-edited and authored a volume on the history of Humanitarian Photography, a volume on Transnational Networks of Experts in the Long Nineteenth century, and another on the League of Nations’ social work. He currently works on a third monograph tentatively entitled: Night on Earth – Humanitarian Organizations’ Relief and Rehabilitation Programmes on Behalf of Civilian Populations (1918-1939).
Fields of interest
- History and politics of international organizations
- Humanity, humanitarianism, humanitarian intervention
- History of conflicts and conflict resolution, history of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes
- Transnational movements, NGOs and philanthropic organisations
- Europe
- Middle East
Selected publications
BooksIn Preparation
- Night on Earth – Humanitarian Organizations’ Relief and Rehabilitation Programmes on Behalf of Civilian Populations (1918-1939). (single-authored monograph)
- e-project with Sandrine Kott (University of Geneva): The History of International Organizations and their Development Programmes in Historical Perspective, tentative title (editor and author)
- The League of Nations’ Work on Social Issues, author and editor, with Liat Kozma and Magaly Rodriguez, New York, United Nations Press, 2016.
- Humanitarian Photography : a History, author and editor with Heide Fehrenbach, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015 ; paperback 2016.
- Shaping the Transnational Sphere: Networks of Expert and Organizations in the Long Nineteenth Century, author and editor with Bernard Struck and Jakob Vogel, New York, Berghahn Books, 2014.
- Ideas and Identities: Theory and Practice in the Twentieth Century, editor and co-authored withJaci Eisenberg, Bern, Peter Langs, 2014.
- Contro il Massacro. Gli Interventi Umanitari nella Politica Europea, 1815-1914, Laterza, Rome, 2012.
- Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire (1815-1914), Princeton University Press – Series: Human Rights and Crimes Against Humanity, Princeton, 2011, paperback, 2015.
- Fascism’s European Empire, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.
- Il nuovo ordine mediterraneo. Le politiche d’occupazione dell’Italia fascista in Europa 1940-1943, Bollati Boringhieri, Turin, 2003.
Journals’ Special Issues
- Foreign War Volunteers in the Twentieth Century, editor with Nir Arielli, special issue of the Journal of Modern European History, 14, 3, 2016.
- Forced displacement of civilian population in Europe 1939-1947, editor with Michael Wedekind, Storia & Regione /Geschichte und Region, Bozen, 2010.
Articles in peer reviewed journals
In Preparation
- The Ingrained Arrogance of Humanitarianism, to be submitted to a peer review journal in 2017.
- “A Horrific Photo of a Drowned Child”. Humanitarian Photography and NGO Media Strategies in Historical Persepctive, with Heide Fehrenbach, International Review of the Red Cross, (late 2016).
- Transnational Encounters on the Receiving End: Hosting and Remembering Twentieth-Century Foreign War Volunteers, with Nir Arielli, Jounral of Modern European History, 14, 3, 2016, …
- The Ottoman Empire, the Issue of Interventions upon Grounds of Humanity, and Western European legal scholars during the nineteenth century, Journal of the History of International Law, special issue, edited by Umut Ozsu and Thomas Skouteris, International Legal History of the Ottoman Empire, 2015, 5-41.
- Beyond Releif : A Sketch of the Near East Relief’s Humanitarian Operations, 1918-1929, Monde(s), n.6, special issue, Philanthropies, October 2014, 45-64.
- The Dilemmas of the International Committee of the International Committee of the Red Cross Humanitarian Politics in Asia Minor and Greece in the early 1920s, the First World War Studies, Special Issue, Humanitarianism and Humanitarian Aid, 1914-24, 2014, 83-99.
- L’Italie fasciste, puissance occupante en Europe Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah – numéro special l’Italie et la Shoah, edited by Laura Fontana et Georges Bensoussan, 2013 (submitted in September 2012)
- Introduction, co-écrite avec Maurice Vaïsse et Matthias Schulz, Organisations internationales et ONG : coopération, complémentarité et rivalité de 1919 à nos jours, Relations Internationales, December 2012.
- Humanitarian Interventions during the nineteenth century: an overview, Quaderni di Relazioni Internazionali, 2011, n.15.
Chapters in peer reviewed edited volumes:
- Les Gentils Italiens, Les Mythes de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, tome II, eds. Olivier Wieviorka et Jean Lopez, (Paris: Perrin, 2017) – tentative title of the chapter.
- Naufragés et Rescapés, Fantômes et Statues, Oubliés et Oublis dans les Archives des Institutions Humanitaires, Normer l’Oublie, edited by Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff and Vincent Negri (Paris: PUF/ Institut de recherche juridique de la Sorbonne, collection « Les voies du droit » , 2016.
- Humanitarian Interventions in Historical Perspective, Oxford Handbook on the Responsibility to Protect, edited by Alex Bellamy and Tim Dunne, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2015.
- The Near East Relief humanitarian politics and practices in the aftermath of the First World War, The Emergence of Humanitarian Intervention, edited by Fabian Klose, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Relief and Reconstruction programs in Greece, 1922-1925 (in collaboration with Francesca Piana and Shaloma Gauthier), Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid in the Twentieth Century, edited by Johannes Paulmann, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, 147-170.
- Wartime occupation by Italy, (Chapter 2, Part C.) Occupation, Collaboration, Resistance and Liberation in The Cambridge History of the Second World War, edited by Richard Bosworth and Joe Maiolo, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015.