
2019 was a time of consolidation and change for the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies (back then still known as CERAH, the Centre of Education and Research in Humanitarian Action).
In the first half of the year their established academic courses continued to fair well including the centre’s Master and Diploma in Humanitarian Action, as well as the Certificates covering health, communications and project management.
In addition, the various Executive Short Courses gave humanitarian professionals the opportunity to hone their skills in various areas of specialism including Sexual Violence in Conflict Settings and Emergencies, which saw full classes throughout the year.
The Centre also held a number of successful events with various partners including the University of Geneva and IHEID, the ICRC, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, to name a few.
In the second half of the year, change was afoot. We bid farewell to Professor Doris Schopper, who retired after leading the centre for 10 years, and we welcomed the Centre’s new Director, Professor Karl Blanchet, who was appointed in October. A strategic review is now underway which will materialize in its new strategic plan unveiled in 2020.