In the news: “Au Nigeria, une guerre contre les écoles”


Our Director, Professor Karl Blanchet, was interview by the Geneva based newspaper “Le Temps”, to comment on the recent attacks against schools in Nigeria.

Professor Blanchet, commenting on these facts, said that, like hospitals, schools and education centres are not spared from attacks. He added that such attacks happen worldwide and that they deeply affect the people affected by them, to the point that they are forced to flee. Professor Blanchet added that education is sometimes seen as less of a priority in the context of humanitarian crises when compared to health of food distribution.

At the end of January, the Swiss government together with academic centres and various international organisations and Un agencies, including ICRC and UNHCR, launched the Global Hub for Education in Emergencies, The hub is a pledge issued at the 2019 Global Refugee Forum by ten key institutions to join forces and collectively make a difference for the education of crisis-affected and displaced children and youth.

The full article, in French, is available here.