New Course Highlights the Need for Improved Accountability to Affected People


A collaboration between the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies and UNICEF has led to the development of a new, online course entitled Accountability to Affected People.

This Certificate in Advanced Studies harnesses the unique skills of each partner and their humanitarian and academic expertise. Through engaging lectures, innovative pedagogical methods and course material developed with leading humanitarian organizations, participants will expand their understanding of the theory and practices of AAP, how this should be integrated into programmes, and using AAP to influence humanitarian practice. Offering an academic Certificate in Advanced Studies, the course enhances AAP-related leadership and management skills in a multisectoral humanitarian space, responding to the growing need for highly skilled professionals in AAP.

This is a 12-week, intensive, online course, which culminates in a residential week in Nairobi, Kenya.

The course will take place between 3 April – 25 June, 2023, and the deadline for applications is 5 March, 2023.  

Accountability to Affected People refers to a set of commitments that organizations and individual humanitarian professionals adhere to. These commitments aim at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of aid – so that the assistance is relevant, timely, and is adapted to the needs of at-risk and vulnerable communities. AAP aims at amplifying the agency of these communities in defining the terms of the aid they receive; their voice, feedback and decision-making capacity in humanitarian assistance. It means acknowledging the power that comes with the provision of aid, and of exercising their power responsibly.

By increasing an understanding of what accountability as a mindset, attitude, commitment, and relationship entails, as well as the existing modalities, practices and tools, this course contributes to strengthening the agency and power of vulnerable communities, and the responsiveness on behalf of humanitarian professionals.

Through this key partnership between UNICEF and Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies, we hope humanitarians professionals working for national or international organisations will be able to develop and update their AAP knowledge and skills.

To register for the course, please visit:

Information on how to apply via our registration platform can be found at: