COVID-19 Related Research

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have been involved in the global response to the pandemic. A Scientific Resource Page with daily updates on the latest scientific evidence is available on our website as well as a series of peer-reviewed, open-access COVID-19 Response Tools. We are also hosting a weekly webinar series on “COVID-19 and humanitarian settings: Experience and Knowledge Sharing” in collaboration with the READY Initiative, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the Centre for Humanitarian Health at Johns Hopkins University (until 1 July, 2020).

In April 2020, we launched COVID-19 Humanitarian, an open-access, web-based platform for use by humanitarian actors in preparedness and response to COVID-19. This platform, managed in partnership with LSHTM and the Johns Hopkins University, promotes the exchange of field-based COVID-19 programme adaptations and innovations, facilitating learning among organisations in different sectors and contexts.

As part of our engagement in the response to COVID-19, our  Humanitarian Encyclopedia project has prioritised analysis of certain concepts relevant to the crisis and its impact on humanitarian situations.
By analysing key humanitarian concepts, such as ‘epidemic’, ‘ethics’ and ‘community engagement’, we aim to support global and local humanitarian actors to speak a clear, common language, share knowledge as a public good, and foster the co-production of new knowledge to guide humanitarian response.

Staff involved

Prof. Karl Blanchet

Prof. Karl Blanchet


Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva

Director of the Centre
