Baptiste Martin

Designation: Lecturer (ESC Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflicts)

Baptiste Martin has 20 years of experience in conflict and post-conflict contexts, including in Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Central African Republic (CAR) and the G5 Sahel region. He has mainly worked on protection of civilians and stabilisation issues, with both humanitarian actors – including Première Urgence Internationale, MSF, UNHCR and OHCHR -, international peace operations and regional defense forces. 

Baptiste has spent most of the last decade with the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), both in the field and at UN headquarters in New York. In field missions, he has worked as a humanitarian officer, head of field office and stabilization team leader under UNMIS in South Sudan, as well as a protection of civilians adviser to MONUSCO in the DRC, MINUSCA in the CAR and MINUSMA in Mali. At UNHQ, he headed the Protection of Civilians Coordination Team of DPKO, where he led the development of the Policy on the Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping

In 2017-2018, as a PoC Expert for the Swedish Folke Bernadotte Academy, he drafted the DPKO Protection of Civilians Handbook, acted as a mentor for the 2018 Swedish Viking exercise, drafted the Protection of civilians strategy of the Multinational Joint Taskforce (MNJTF) on Boko Haram and contributed to the development of the NATO Protection of civilians Concept

In 2018-2020, he joined the OHCHR as a Senior Human Rights Officer and head of the G5 Sahel Joint Force IHL/IHRL compliance framework project, based in Mali. 

In addition to joining the Center early 2021, Baptiste is currently supporting human rights compliance of national park rangers in the DRC. 

He graduated from the Sorbonne University and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (SciencesPo).