As part of the “Seminario Internacional: La accion humanitarian México – Centroamérica” on 18 March 2020 organised by the Instituto Mora and UNOCHA, our Humanitarian Encyclopedia project team will facilitate a workshop on “Local perspectives on key humanitarian concepts in Mexico – Central America”.
The Humanitarian Encyclopedia offers an inclusive online space for dialogue and promotes co-production of new knowledge to enhance collaboration in future humanitarian responses. It is developed by humanitarian professionals and academics, aware of the necessity of speaking the same clear language, sharing knowledge as a public good, and co-producing new forms of knowledge to guide future humanitarian responses.
Workshop overview
Essential to identifying commonalities and divergences in the way humanitarians communicate key concepts is to identify variations in concepts and their meanings across geographic regions and organization. This workshop seeks to localize a small set of key concepts from the Humanitarian Encyclopedia’s list of 129 concepts, identified in a participatory process and validated by global experts.
By capturing local perspectives on key concepts from the Mexico-Central America region, localized content will be directly integrated into the Humanitarian Encyclopedia’s online and dynamic concept entries, to be released in spring 2021.
Humanitarian concepts to be discussed during the workshop include protection, humanity, capacity building and crisis.