A modular approach


CERAH’s flexibility and modularity is ideal for humanitarian professionals

Claire BarthélémyCERAH Head of Learning, Lecturer and Co-coordinator of Designing Strategies and Projects for Humanitarian Action

When I meet our students it is obvious that they are juggling many things, work, family, life, learning,  just to name a few…So I am pleased that our executive education programme at CERAH adapts its courses to the reality of professional life: finding an equilibrium between employment, career development and personal life. At CERAH, this balancing act is at the core of the modularity that our Masters in Advanced Studies (MAS) in Humanitarian Action offers. So, whether you are able to take one year off in order to study or you need more time to juggle work, studies and family life, it’s possible with CERAH’s flexible, modular approach.

Students often ask us how can they take the Masters at a pace and time that suits them…

Traditionally our MAS programme is subdivided into 4 main parts over one year:

  • A four month course that focuses on critical thinking and context analysis (September –December) plus an introduction to research methodology.
  • Two weeks of research methodology; to accompany the writing of the dissertation
  • Two 7 week courses that develop strategic thinking and creation (1st course – February-March (Designing strategies and projects) and 2nd course – May-June (choice between Health in Emergency Settings or Communications, Advocacy & Negotiation).
  • Dissertation development and completion (deadline: June or August)

However when you start the MAS, our flexibility and modularity allows you to take these four parts in various orders spread over three academic years.

So for example you could start with the four month course during the next autumn semester. Then you take one of the seven week courses during the spring semester. Then during the second academic year, you can take the research methodology course in January, take the 2nd Seven week course in the Spring, and finally hand over your dissertation during the Summer…or even the following Summer!

It’s difficult to fit in continuous learning during our lives, so we often put it off, or find other excuses. But if you have been a humanitarian professional for 3-5 years, and you are looking to get a broader and deeper understanding of the sector, then the CERAH Masters could fit your needs. Remember each module is also stand-alone, with its own accreditation, so you can also take them one by one if that suits you better.

Enrollment for the next MAS closes on July 30th, 2019. We hope to see you at CERAH..!

See our website for all course details