MOOC: Operational Research for Humanitarians
The Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies has developed a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), “Operational Research for Humanitarians”, in partnership with the Aga Khan University, Pakistan, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Humanitarians work in challenging environments, and they have to make critical decisions. These decisions are going to affect individuals’ lives. To make sure they make the right decisions at the right time, they need evidence.
By offering a practical and theoretical introduction to conducting research in humanitarian settings, this free MOOC brings research and practice closer together to improve the lives of people affected by emergencies.
MOOC: Migration, Health and Equity in Europe
Migration to and within Europe poses particular issues related to ensuring equitable access to healthcare. Throughout this course, you will gain insight into the root causes and types of migration, the current evidence and state of data in the region, examples of good practice, and how migration health can be studied and new evidence generated and translated into policy and practice.