Dr Anne Golaz

Designation: Senior Lecturer (ESC Planetary Health)

Dr Anne Golaz obtained her Medical Doctor degree and Doctorate in Medicine at the University of Geneva, and a MPH at the University of Washington. She’s Board Certified in Public Health and General Preventive Medicine. She has over 20 years of field experience in humanitarian work and  graduate and post-graduate education in public health. She’s worked as a medical epidemiologist for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; as a senior advisor for UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia in Kathmandu and Geneva Office, and for WHO HQ and Regional Offices in Cairo and New Dehli.

Fields of interest

  • Public health and epidemiology
  • Reproductive health in humanitarian emergencies
  • Mental health in humanitarian emergencies
  • Genocide prevention
  • Community capacity building
  • Research and evidence generation in humanitarian contexts


Selected publications

  • J Lam, R Amsalu, K Gerber, JE Lawn, B Tomcyk, N Cornier, A Adler, A Golaz, WJ Moss. Neonatal survival interventions in humanitarian emergencies: a survey of current practices and programmes. Conflict and Health 2012, 6:2.
  • W A Tol, C Barbui, A Galapatti, D Silove, T S Betancourt, R Souza, A Golaz, M van Ommeren. Mental health and psycho-social support in humanitarian settings: linking practice and research. Lancet 2011;378:1581-91.
  • Vijayaraghavan, M, Lievano F, Cairns L, Nandy R, Ansari A, Golaz A, Mashal T, Salama P.  Economic evaluation of measles catch-up and follow-up campaigns in Afghanistan in 2002 and 2003. Disasters. 2006 Jun;30(2):256-69
  • Dadgar N, Ansari A, Naleo T, Brennan M, Salama P, Sadozai N, Golaz A, Lievano F, Jafari H, Mubarak M, Hoekstra E, Paganini A, Feroz F. Implementation of a mass measles campaign, Central Afghanistan, December 2001 to May 2002. J Infect Dis. 2003 May 15;187(Suppl 1):S186-90.
  • Golaz A, Guha-Sapir D, Lopes-Cardozo B, Spiegel P, Dubois V. Overview of mental health issues in populations affected by war and genocide. IN Emergency Psychiatry in a Changing World. De Clercq M, Andreoli, A, Lamarre S, Forster P, Editors. Excerpta Medical, Elsevier Science BV, 1999; 1st Edition;235-243.
  • Guha-Sapir D, Golaz A, Dubois V. Children at war: can we treat the 10 million traumatized by violence? Humanitarian Affairs Review – Spring 1999:18-23.
  • Golaz A, Hardy I, Strebel P, Bisgard K, Vitek C, Popovic T, Wharton M. Epidemic diphtheria in Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union: Implications for diphtheria control in the United States.  J Infect Dis 2000. 181 (suppl 1):S237-43.
  • Guha-Sapir D, Dubois V, Dedeurwaerdere A, Golaz A, Van Bauwel A. Rwanda: Health Sector Needs and Recommendations for the Transition Phase. Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, Department of Public Health, University of Louvain, Belgium. CRED Working Paper # 149. 1998.
  • Moore J, Golaz A, Bloland P and the Goma Epidemiology Group. The role of emergency surveillance systems in refugee situations: lessons from the Rwandan refugee crisis, Goma, Zaire 1994. J Moore; BASICS, 1600 Wilson bd, Suite 300, Arlington VA 2229.
  • Golaz A, Giuliano A, Frankenheimer T, Schaeffer C, Bern C, Clark D, Yip R. Qualitative vs quantitative data for decision making in nutritional emergency settings: the example of Tajikistan. Poster. Abstract 3224. American Public Health Association 124th Annual Meeting, New York, November 17-21, 1996.
  • Giuliano A, Golaz A. Anthropometric and nutrition assessment: survey methods for inclusion in rapid rural appraisals. CARE International, Atlanta, Georgia, USA: June 1995.
  • Golaz A, Bern C, Yip R. Mid-Upper-Arm-Circumference: Is it the best indicator of acute childhood malnutrition? Oral presentation. Abstract. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 1994.
  • CDC.Morbidity surveillance following the Midwest flood, Missouri,1993. MMWR 1993;42:797-8.
  • IASC/Global Health Cluster/WHO: Health Cluster Guide; A practical guide for country-level implementation of the health cluster, June 2009. Contributor.
  • The Sphere Project. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Response.  First Edition 1998. Fourth Edition 2011, Geneva. Contributor.