In the news: “Au Nigeria, une guerre contre les écoles”
Our Director, Professor Karl Blanchet, was interview by the Geneva based newspaper “Le Temps”, to...

Student spotlight: Ranya Ali Haidarah Al-Jaberi
We sat down with Ranya Ali Haidarah Al-Jaberi, recipient of one of our scholarships and...

Help map SRH Innovations!
Are you an innovator? Share your work!If you know of an innovation taking place within...

Attacking healthcare must not become the norm
Our Researcher Audrey Mahieu is part of the “Researching the Impact of Attacks on Healthcare”...

Faculty member Prof. Julie Billaud receives the special mention of the International Geneva Award 2020
“Masters of Disorder: Rituals of Communication and Monitoring at the International Committee of the Red...

New Course Catalogue 2021-2022
We are proud to announce the launch of our new Course Catalogue. We are excited...

The Lancet Series on Women’s and Children’s Health in Conflict Settings
A new Lancet Series on Women’s and Children’s Health in Conflict Settings aimed to improve...

Online Panel: COVID-19, delivering SRHR in Crises Settings
on Thursday, 28 January, our Director, Prof. Karl Blanchet, and other panelists joined the online...

Launch of The Lancet Series on Women’s and Children Health in Conflict Settings
On Monday 25 January 2020, a new The Lancet Series on Women’s and Children Health...

Launch of the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies
The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies is a pledge issued at the 2019...

Policy brief: COVID-19 and fragile settings
Around the world, over 1.8 billion people live in fragile settings. They include some of...

Student spotlight: Innocent Tshilombo
Innocent N. Tshlombo, the recipient of one of our scholarships and currently enrolled in our MAS...

Book release: Homo Itinerans – Towards a Global Ethnography of Afghanistan
“Homo Itinerans – Towards a Global Ethnography of Afghanistan”, a book originally published in French...

Prof. Blanchet Inaugural Lecture at the University of Geneva
On 3 December 2020, our Director, Professor Karl Blanchet, gave his inaugural lecture as Ordinary...

Video conference: 75 pour ONU75 – Repenser les réponses humanitaires
On Tuesday, 10 November at 9-10.15am EST/3-4.15pm CET, join the video conference (in French) “Repenser...

Geneva Health Forum 2020
The 8th edition of the Geneva Health Forum (GHF) will take place online from 16-18...

Early Bird 10% Discount for our MAS and DAS 2021-2022
Applications for our Executive Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Action and Executive Diploma of...

You spoke, we listened: Student survey key findings
At the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies we are committed to offer the best learning...

120 Essential Health Interventions to protect during the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 creates unprecedented disruptions in delivery of routine health services, particularly in low- and middle-income...

Relaunched COVID-19 webinar series
The READY Initiative, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the Centre for Humanitarian Health at...

Web Conference: Healthy People on a Healthy Planet
On 25 September, 2020 (13:30 – 15.00) our director Prof. Karl Blanchet will join a...

Welcome Marie-Laure Salles, the new Director of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Geneva, 1 September 2020 – The Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies congratulates Professor Marie-Laure Salles...

Meet course coordinator and negotiation expert André Picot
We spoke with our course coordinator and negotiation expert André Picot, to talk about his...

Achievements 2020
During 2020 we have already achieved a wide variety of accomplishments including: new name, logo...

Do not make ‘localization’ another unfulfilled commitment – we can achieve it together
Our Knowledge and Partnership Manager, Joy Muller, shares some personal reflections on the need to...

Phase 2 of COVID19 website: Covid19humanitarian.com
As COVID19 infections top 10 million worldwide, today www.covid19humanitarian.com enters phase 2. This website provides...

Virtual WSIS+15 Forum
Join the virtual stand we are co-hosting with the University of Geneva (UNIGE) at the...

Our new vision and name: Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies
We are proud to announce that from today we become the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies,...

Annual Report 2019
2019 was a time of consolidation and change for the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies...

New book “The Uncounted: Politics of Data in Global Health”
In the global race to reach the end of AIDS, why is the world slipping...

HNPW report on our session on “Learning and partnering for better local humanitarian outcomes”.
During the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2020 organised by UN OCHA, the Geneva...

Aimé Moninga, winner of the EU Human Rights Defender Award 2020
Congratulations to Aimé Moninga, Winner of the EU Human Rights Defender Award 2020 The Geneva...

Meet the Course Coordinators: Helena Merelo and Dr. Jean-Marc Biquet
We sat down with two of our course coordinators, Helena Merelo and Dr Jean-Marc Biquet, to learn more...

Public Health Against Racism: Our plans going forward
The killing of George Floyd in the US has led to a reinvigorated global movement...

Academic Programme 2020-2021 updates
Please find below some important information regarding our programmes for 2020-2021 considering the exceptional circumstances...

Book launch: The Uncounted: Politics of Data in Global Health
Join us on Thursday, 11 June 2020 4-5pm CEST for the launch of “The Uncounted” the new...

Webinar series: COVID-19 & Humanitarian Settings – Experience and Knowledge Sharing
The READY Initiative, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the Centre for Humanitarian Health at...

Statement: The Centre expresses its sadness and alarm at the killing of a staff member of Médecins Sans Frontières.
The Geneva Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action expresses its sadness and alarm...

Statement: The Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies comdemns attack on a maternity ward in Kabul, Afghanistan.
The Geneva Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action strongly condemns the shocking attack...

Between COVID-19 and humanitarian crises: which one to choose?
Author: Prof. Karl Blanchet, Director of CERAH & Co-director of InZone It is obvious that...

Virtual open day
Join us ONLINE on Tuesday 31 March from 3 to 8pm CET for a Virtual...

Coronavirus: information for CERAH community and visitors
The safety and well-being of our students, staff and community at large is our highest...

COVID-19 and refugee camps: the “perfect” storm
A COVID-19 outbreak in refugee camps would have catastrophic consequences. Prof. Karl Blanchet shares his...

2020 concept paper for humanitarian encyclopedia
Concept paper 2020 on Humanitarian Encyclopedia – read our latest project vision. The need for...

Learning within an evolving humanitarian sector
CERAH's Communications Manager Sian Bowen shares an extract of the briefing session she delivered on 3 February, 2020 during the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) a forum for humanitarian networks and partnerships to meet and address key humanitarian issues.

Meet the Course Coordinator: Dr. Meg Davis
We sat down with our course coordinator, Dr. Meg Davis, an expert in global health and...

Publication: Research in global health emergencies
The Nuffield Council on Biotechs has launched a new report on Research in Global Health...

“The Humanitarian Exhibition” conference
From 23-25 January, the University of Geneva, University of Fribourg, University of Manchester and the...

Allying theory and practice: CERAH students in Uganda to work for a concrete project
After more than three months of online learning, at the end of November 2019, coordinators...

2019 Swiss Humanitarian Awards goes to CERAH Master Alumna
Congratulations to Amera Markous! CERAH Master alumna Amera Markous has won the 2019 Swiss Humanitarian...